The Girly

Emma Watson Bikini ...


Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born on April 15, 1990, in Paris. Her parents, both British lawyers, are Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson. Her brother, Alex, was born three years later. Her parents divorced when Watson was five, and she moved back to Oxfordshire in England when Emma with her mother and brother

Emma Watson is out Los Angeles way filming Bling Ring, the quick to jump on a topic story pic about the young gossip-girlish burglars who ripped off a number of famous celebrity homes a couple or three years ago in Hollywood. At the time of the robberies, it seemed like some kind of real Robin Hoody story, then it turned out the burglars were just a bunch of emo-suburban-douches grown up in a world of Gymboree play dates and MTV Real World watching, so it became hard to root for anybody.

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson is a widely popular teen actress, thanks to her brilliant performance in the role of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series based on the hit series of books by author J.K. Rowling that won her huge recognition and, of course, fame comes behind. Em, who was named after her paternal grandmother, who after marriage became "Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson," once moved to France and lived there for 5 years, before moving back to England where she has lived ever since.





Emma Watson Bikini ..., Pada: 6:11 PM
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