The Girly

Cheryl Cole Hot Picture ...


Cheryl Cole took up dancing as a child and also won a number of modelling contests. Among other contests, she won the Boots Group's Bonniest Baby contest, the Mothercare Happy Faces Portrait contest and The Evening Chronicle's 'Little Miss and Mister' and the 'Most Attractive Girl' at the Metro Centre. Cole also appeared in two British Gas adverts as well as an Eldon Square Christmas advert (which her younger brother Garry also appeared in).

She’s been sacked from The X Factor USA! They say it’s because she’s got no chemistry with Paula Abdul and that the contestants couldn’t respect her opinion because they don’t know who she is and her accent is a problem too and she has doesn’t have the appeal of Simon Cowell and so ex-Pussycat Doll, Nicole, has taken her job.

Cheryl says that one of the biggest factors in her weight loss is all of the dancing that she needs to do with Girls Aloud. She actually, some days fits in a whopping 8 hours of dance rehearsal. She actually says that she challenges anyone to dance for 8 hours a day and not lose weight. You don’t need to be doing 8 hours of dance a day to replicate Cheryl Cole’s workout. Even half an hour of moderate dancing is a great way of burning seven calories a minute.





Cheryl Cole Hot Picture ..., Pada: 6:24 PM
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