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Emma Roberts Bikini ..


Born in Los Angeles, Emma Roberts is the daughter of Oscar-nominated actor Eric Roberts. Emma's first film appearances were at the age of nine, in a short film called BigLove (2001) and the big screen motion picture Blow (2001), starring Johnny Depp

Actress Emma Roberts made her film debut working with one of the best actors in history -- and she didn't even know it. At only ten years old, Roberts was cast as the daughter of Johnny Depp's character in 2001's Blow, but she would later recall that she was too young during the experience to realize what a respected figure her co-star was in Hollywood. In 2004, Roberts joined the ranks at the Nickelodeon network, taking a leading role in the series Unfabulous. The regular gig provided both experience and stability for the up-and-comer, but maintaining a presence on the big-screen remained a goal.

Roberts was never into basketball and had to learn how to play for her role in Winning Season. "It's really difficult," said Roberts during a press day for Hotel for Dogs. "I was a volleyball and tennis girl. I stayed away from basketball. I never liked it. And then I started for the movie and I really enjoy it now. But it's really hard. I'm actually really good at shooting."





Emma Roberts Bikini .., Pada: 8:40 PM
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