The Girly

Alessandra Ambrosio Hot


Alessandra Ambrosio (born April 11, 1981), is a Brazilian supermodel. She was described as "The future of the modeling world", by retired supermodel Tyra Banks. Her last name is spelled Ambrósio, but the diacritic mark is omitted in her modeling work.

When Ambrosio was 12 years old, she enrolled in modeling classes then, began modeling for Dilson Stein at age 15. Winning Brazil's Elite Model Look started her modeling career. Her first big modeling job was the cover of the Brazilian Elle magazine. Elite passed along some of her Polaroids to Guess which led her to do the Millennium Guess? campaign along with her friend and fellow Brazilian supermodel Ana Beatriz Barros. She has since been in huge demand, working with big-name brands and appearing in well famous international magazine covers.

Alessandra Ambrosio has an estimated net worth of $40 million. Ambrosio is best known for her work with Victoria’s Secret and was chosen as the first spokesmodel for the company’s “PINK” line.





Alessandra Ambrosio Hot, Pada: 6:13 PM
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