The Girly

stars, sex and nudity buzz : 09/07/2012

Fifty Shades of Grey Artwork

fifty_shades_of_grey_53_20120809_1097637234-639x420%5B1%5DIf you haven’t heard of it,  Fifty Shades of Grey is a new best-seller that makes your naughty romance novel look like Sesame Street.  The erotic novel served as inspiration for this collection of artwork,  depicting the detailed accounts of bondage, role play and fetish desires.  Scroll through the gallery below to see the 50 Shades of Grey collection, curated by Saatchi Online.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis star in 'the smartest movie of the year and the best action movie of the year.'
Katharine Isabelle And My Completely Normal and In No Way Unhealthy Interest
Posted by Spooky Sean
Very excited to see her in American Mary.
Ever since I saw her on that one X-Files episode, Schizogeny, from the fifth season, I’ve had a… strong interest in seeing her in other roles. The episode was about…fuck, it was like a tree that ate people or something, I don’t really remember.
So, very technically, yes, I’ve had my eye on her since I was a teen.
Oh Jesus, that sounds horrible.
No, I haven’t been in the bushes or anything creepy like that. It’s more like,
“Oh, cool, that chick from The X-Files is in Ginger Snaps.”
And then…
“Sweet, that actress from The X-Files and Ginger Snaps is in Freddy Vs. Jason. And, also, she was in Bones.”
And now…
“Word, Katharine Isabelle, who I now actually learned the name of from IMDB, is going to be in a Soska sis film.”
See, I didn’t even know her name until Ginger Snaps, and even then I’m so bad with names, I forgot it a few times! Nope, I in no way have had a pseudo-crush on an actress who I’ve never met, and will probably never meet, since I was 14.
Not at all.
Here are a few screenshots from that X-Files episode. But, that’s just to show you what she looked like in it. I in no way already had them on my hard drive.

Well, I may have.

Okay, look, I wanted to rewatch the episode, to gear up for seeing her growth as an actress from then to now, from The X-Files, to American Mary. So, I saved some screenshots. It’s not weird; I’m a horror blogger, it was for a post, and just happened to have it, and some from Ginger Snaps, and Freddy Vs. Jason. That’s normal. It is normal for someone who writes about actors performances to have screenshots of them.…
And, I would in no way piss myself, and faint, and or collapse and mumble incoherently if I met her. I am a professional, damn it!
(Okay, so I probably would.)
So, in closing, I’m probably going to have to send the Soska sisters a huge thank you card, for giving such an awesome role to such a phenomenal, and earth-shatteringly beautiful actress who I may, or may not have developed a completely normal…interest in.
This was a joke post. Don’t worry everyone, I just like to play up the creeper thing. I’m not really obsessed.
Except with Gillian Anderson.


29-years old actress Ari Graynor : see-thru Eidé Magazine [Fall issue] 2012
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.com/blogger_img_proxy/30-years old (?) and 178 cm Swedish model Jerica Lamens. Had lots of potential but the Scandinavian gene from her father side took over and she became a bit more....curvier. Perfect for nudes though.

for Terry Richardson :
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photo shoot by Carlos Nunez :
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Terry Richardson nudity luck with models keeps getting better and better...........all taken in month of June 2012 for a mag shoot . The agencies continues to send new talents to him. Mostly to familiarize the models with blatant nudity without the usual glitzy shots. The pol-photos are taken after the pro-session.

[1] 22-years old New Zealand-East Indian model Ashika Pratt at his studio.
She was in New York with fellow Kiwi Stella Maxwell (pose nude for Terry) and gorgeous Emily Baker (likely posed topless but yet to come out) . 
Read more here
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Ashika topless (her first) : .com/blogger_img_proxy/

[2] 19-years old Canadian model Clara Settje at his studio
Clara topless : .com/blogger_img_proxy/

[3] 24-years old English model Jade McSorley (Britain's Next Top Model) at his studio
Jade topless : .com/blogger_img_proxy/

[4] South African model Lauren Buys at his studio
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Lauren nearly full-frontal (slight resemblance to another South African-born Jessica Marais) : .com/blogger_img_proxy/
(you gotta admire these South African models/actresses. The moment they set fool on US soil - boom! Anything goes. Expect more frontal Lauren pictorials to emerge soon from Terry vault)

More nude modeling for Terry here

* Rumors are Terry is producing another Kibosh-type of pictorials. I want to see above models getting jizzed or at least sucking on his cock. It would be incredible but not shocking considering the sexting/web-cam generation is coming of age. Going au naturel is not a taboo anymore. Pushing boundaries is a way to attract attention.

Avoid these post-game sex follies this weekend

Shower sex sucks. Don’t let Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel trick you into thinking their “aw, shucks” shower sex scene in “500 Days of Summer” is really that fun in real life, because it’s not. Taking that special someone home, stripping them of their ZonaZoo gear and hopping under the shower head may seem like an awesome way to cool down and then steam things up. However, guys, it’s only when your calves are cramping, you’re trying to both please and not slip and break your ass, that you should have planned your approach a bit more. All that hot water is fun at first, but then it kinda becomes something like…

Pool sex. For those uninitiated into what’s arguably the grimiest of all rituals, pool sex is what happens when you take an urban myth (remember in high school when your friend banged a girl in a hot tub and said it was awesome?) and try to make it reality. When there’s a lot of water in a place that’s supposed to be wet for other reasons, all sensation is lost, and suddenly your little exploit turns into a submarine exploration for the g-spot. Also, pool water is disgusting, and nothing quite says “I love you” like a urinary tract infection — except when it doesn’t, which is always.

Now that we’ve covered the unpleasantness associated with Aquaman-style fornication, we can move on to a much drier, yet equally disappointing act. This is hard to put in reader-friendly way, so I’m going to refer to this as something a girl might do to enhance fellatio with the use of breast contact. For guys who enjoy boobs (a very high percentage, to be sure) it would seem as though this act would be fun and exciting. Even for girls, the idea at its best is at least something new and can add another dimension to a stale sexual relationship — or some eye-opening appeal to a brand new one. The reality is the act is not pleasurable for boys or girls — it can create an awkward moment, not to mention the friction and chafing involved. I can almost guarantee that if you try this once, you won’t want to try it again. The next time your drunk self feels like this is an awesome idea, you’re best advised to keep things simple. Save the unusual shit for those who get paid.


My nudity question of the day : What are the chances of seeing Ashlee Simpson tits for the first time on-screen in Wayne Kramer's Pawn Shop Chronicles (2013)


MoviePass Review : Compliance
on September 5th, 2012
Since its premier at Sundance early this year, any positive buzz generated by Craig Zobel’s Compliance (and there’s been plenty) has been overshadowed by controversy. During the very first screening in Park City, many members of the audience walked out, while others stuck around just to yell at Zobel during the post-film Q-and-A. During a recent screening in San Francisco (I was not in attendance, but a few friends were), 33 of the approximately 180 audience members didn’t make it to the end credits, with one man shouting as he left, “why do you sit here and watch this ignorance?”

As I sat in an almost-empty theatre late last night (there were five of us, no one left, though I think at one point or another we all wanted to), I understood why some couldn’t – or perhaps just weren’t willing to – make it to the end. Leaving was never a possibility for me; I’ve never walked out of a movie (no, not even Jack and Jill), for in doing so, I’d forfeit my right to an opinion. Not good for a critic. More importantly, though, while uncomfortable and frustrated, I was captivated. People don’t walk out of Compliance because it’s a bad movie; people storm away because it’s a damn effective one.

The story is at once devastatingly straightforward, yet impossible to fully fathom. The opening title-card informs that the film is based on an actual event. This isn’t a gimmick, but vital information; as the narrative progresses, the decisions of various characters become more and more difficult to accept. If not based in sickening reality, elements of the plot would stretch the limits of plausibility.

On a busy Friday evening, Sandra (Ann Dowd), manager of a rural ChickWich fast food franchise, receives a phone call from Officer Daniels (Pat Healy) of the local police department. Officer Daniels informs her that one of her young employees stole money from a customer’s purse. The victim’s description of the thief fits Becky (Dreama Walker), a pretty, blonde, nineteen-year-old cashier. Officer Daniels instructs Sandra to take Becky to a secure, secluded location in the back of the restaurant to search her pockets and belongings and to confiscate her cell phone. Sandra is hesitant at first, but Daniels insists that it’ll be easier on Becky to just get the admittedly difficult ordeal over with at the restaurant, rather than to take her all the way to the station. The embarrassment and trauma of a full police booking would be far worse. He says he has the ChickWich district manager – to whom he refers by name – on the other line and got approval for the search; already nervous about an incident involving an open freezer and spoiled food, Sandra agrees, hoping to earn her superior’s favor.

By this point, it’s clear to the audience that “Officer Daniels” is a fraud and Sandra has been fooled into playing his twisted game. Daniels’ requests become more and more audacious, involving additional employees and increasingly invasive searches of Becky’s body. Each demand, and the inevitable compliance, is harder to believe than the last. How could these people be so stupid? Why doesn’t Becky put up a fight? I’d never let this happen! Nobody would!

Except that these people did. And so did dozens of others in about 70 other similar cases in 30 different states throughout the country. What Zobel explores so artfully and effectively in Compliance is the psychology at play in these types of situations. As humans in modern, western civilization, we are raised with an inherent respect for and fear of authority. When the man on the other end of the phone calls himself a police officer, and does so with confidence, Sandra is convinced she has no choice but to listen. And though Becky knows she didn’t do anything and is being unjustly accused, she has been conditioned to do what she’s told. As the situation becomes more extreme, Sandra has no choice but to keep going; she’s in too deep now, and the possibility that she is wrong to follow the orders is far more frightening than anything she could be asked to do. Through her trials, Becky’s psyche is slowly eroded, and when it’s obvious to us that what is happening onscreen is unquestionably unethical and immoral, she’s already too broken to know the difference.

Zobel films in intense close-ups and with unconventionally long takes. Cinematically he creates a hypnotic, claustrophobic atmosphere which would be uncomfortable in any situation, but its amplification of this particular story becomes unbearably unsettling. I have a pretty thick skin when film is involved; I’m not rattled easily, but Compliance shook me. I squirmed in my seat, not because of extreme Hostel-style gore, but because Becky’s trauma felt so real. And while Sandra’s actions seemed so ridiculous on the surface, deep down, I knew this really wasn’t all that unbelievable. Even without the title-card disclaimer explaining that the events themselves were real, there’s a bleak honesty in Zobel’s dissection of the human spirit. As a viewer, I wanted so badly to do something, but it’s just a movie; there’s nothing I can do. Once one has experienced Compliance, the reason people walk out is obvious: it’s the only way to wash oneself of responsibility for Becky’s plight. By staying in my seat, I – in some small, weird way – condone what’s happening onscreen. I become as guilty as Sandra or the other employees who stand by and do nothing.

I stuck it out, though, and afterward I was mentally and physically exhausted. This is a powerful film, and though I’m sure it has happened, it’s hard to remember the last time I’ve had such a strong, visceral response to any work of art. While I definitely didn’t like what Compliance did to me, I’m in absolute awe of it’s ability to do so.

Rating: 5/5 Stars


Airplane funniest film ever, research finds
Spoof disaster movie Airplane is the funniest film ever - generating three laughs a minute on average, according to new research.
Airplane - which features classic one liners such as 'I am serious and don't call me Shirley' - came out top in research conducted by a panel of members of movie subscription service Lovefilm.

They calculated the precise number of 'laughs a minute' for the top 10 comedies chosen by Lovefilm members.

The panel recorded the total number of times each film generated a laugh, before dividing it by the films' total length in minutes to calculate the precise 'laugh a minute' rating for each movie.

With a 'laugh A minute' score of three, Airplane beat nine rival comedies to top the list which has been created to mark The Hangover becoming available to stream on Lovefilm Instant.

The Las Vegas man-movie featuring the bachelor party to end all bachelor parties marked its arrival onto the Lovefilm Instant service by scoring a 'Laugh A Minute' rating of 2.4.

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad completed the top three with a 'laugh a minute' score of 2.3.

Foul-mouthed Superbad managed a 'laugh a minute' score of 1.9, followed closely by the outrageous and least politically correct movie ever made, Borat, with 1.7.

Modern classic Anchorman reported in at sixth place. This battle of the sexes in a newsroom has spawned a whole range of one liners and manages to make audiences laugh 1.6 times per minute on average.

Helen Cowley, editor of Lovefilm, said: "After many heated debates about whether The Hangover really is the funniest movie ever, we asked our members to vote for the 10 movies that make them laugh the most, and then conducted our own research into how many times those included in this list made us giggle.

"Interestingly, while Lovefilm members voted Life of Brian as the funniest film, our research shows that for laughs a minute the hilarious aircraft-based satire of Airplane beats the Monty Python epic hands-down."

Top 10 Films With The Highest 'Laugh A Minute' Scores:
1. Airplane - 3 Laughs A Minute
2. The Hangover - 2.4 Laughs A Minute
3. The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad ! - 2.3 Laughs A Minute
4. Superbad - 1.9 Laughs A Minute
5. Borat - 1.7 Laughs A Minute
6. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - 1.6 Laughs A Minute
7. American Pie - 1.5 Laughs A Minute
8. Bridesmaids - 1.4 Laughs A Minute
9. Shaun of the Dead - 1.3 Laughs A Minute
10. Life of Brian - 1.2 Laughs A Minute

* Almost a perfect list except for over-rated Bridesmaids.


One of the momentous moment in porn this year : After more than 400-flicks to her credit, 25-years old Lexi Belle finally taking it up the ass for the first time on-cam. Lucky guy Deen. From Superstars (2012)
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